28 research outputs found

    The Analysis of Entrepreneurship Education Profile For Educatioanal Institutions of Hihger Education in Yogyakarta

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    ABSTRACT Purpose: This study aims to describe entrepreneurship education profile (EE Profile) of the five LPTKs in DIY. The research based on strategic role of EE in generating creative entrepreneurs who meets 21st century skills. The main target of the study was to describe; (1). Characteristics of lecturers and students, (2) Competencies to be developed, (3). Learning process, (4). Assessment to be used, (5). Needs of improvement. Methods: The study used quantitative approach this type of survey. The populations were lecturers and students participating in the course come from five LPTK. Data was collected by questionnaire and group discussions (FGD). This study used primary and secondary data collected from 48 lecturers of enterpreneurship and 246 students who joined in the entrepreneurship course. Data was analyzed using simple frequency analysis technique for quantitative data and descritive analysis for the qualitative data. Findings: The results revealed that: (1). Lecturers have minimum teaching experience (on average, 3.45 years). Most of the lecturers hold master degree but 33% of the total lecturers said not match to teach entrepreneurship related with their qualification. Only half of them who have had a certificate in entrepreneurship, but the training was less than 33 % of the total lecturers. Majority of the students (78%) has had appropriate background to be trained on entrepreneurship; unfortunately there are only a few who got training seriously. A few of students (19%) hold a certificate on entrepreneurship but most of them felt less adequate (2). Competencies tend to more focused on creativity and innovation, but less concerned to 21st centuryespecially on collaboration and communication. (3). Majority of students felt impressed that the learning occur innovatively, but students said the learning material was still out of date. ICT was not sufficiently integrated in the learning process to enrich learning materials and process. EE was still taught separately between theory and practice in an average composition of about 57% of theory and 43% of practice, (4). Assessments were still dominated by written tests, even used to assess skills as creativity and innovation that were not appropriate (5). Lecturers and students expressed need to learning model that emphasizes the practice more and reduces the theory. Project based learning tended to be developed and raised as alternative model for EE

    The Analysis of Entrepreneurship Education Profile For Educatioanal Institutions of Hihger Education in Yogyakarta

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    Purpose: This study aims to describe entrepreneurship education profile (EE Profile) of the five LPTKs in DIY. The research based on strategic role of EE in generating creative entrepreneurs who meets 21st century skills. The main target of the study was to describe; (1). Characteristics of lecturers and students, (2) Competencies to be developed, (3). Learning process, (4). Assessment to be used, (5). Needs of improvement. Methods: The study used quantitative approach this type of survey. The populations were lecturers and students participating in the course come from five LPTK. Data was collected by questionnaire and group discussions (FGD). This study used primary and secondary data collected from 48 lecturers of enterpreneurship and 246 students who joined in the entrepreneurship course. Data was analyzed using simple frequency analysis technique for quantitative data and descritive analysis for the qualitative data. Findings: The results revealed that: (1). Lecturers have minimum teaching experience (on average, 3.45 years). Most of the lecturers hold master degree but 33% of the total lecturers said not match to teach entrepreneurship related with their qualification. Only half of them who have had a certificate in entrepreneurship, but the training was less than 33 % of the total lecturers. Majority of the students (78%) has had appropriate background to be trained on entrepreneurship; unfortunately there are only a few who got training seriously. A few of students (19%) hold a certificate on entrepreneurship but most of them felt less adequate (2). Competencies tend to more focused on creativity and innovation, but less concerned to 21st centuryespecially on collaboration and communication. (3). Majority of students felt impressed that the learning occur innovatively, but students said the learning material was still out of date. ICT was not sufficiently integrated in the learning process to enrich learning materials and process. EE was still taught separately between theory and practice in an average composition of about 57% of theory and 43% of practice, (4). Assessments were still dominated by written tests, even used to assess skills as creativity and innovation that were not appropriate (5). Lecturers and students expressed need to learning model that emphasizes the practice more and reduces the theory. Project based learning tended to be developed and raised as alternative model for EE.   Keywords:entrepreneurship, college, profiles, learnin

    Reorientasi Paradigma Dasarpengembangan Profesionalisme Guru

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    Persoalan kualitas guru dan pengelolaan layanan tenaga ahli kependidikan di Indonesiamasih menjadi persoalan besar. Program sertifikasi yang dilaksanakan dengan beragambentuk tetap menyisakan banyak persoalan. Sertifikasi seolah hanya menjadi programtambal sulam yang menangani hulu, sementara masalah hilir tidak pernah digarap denganserius. Rujukan dasar bagi pengembangan profesionalisme guru juga tidak jelas sehinggabanyak LPTK menjadi mandul. Paradigma pengembangan profesionalisme masih mengacudengan pendekatan proyek dan program-program pragmatis yang kurang menghargaipengalaman empiris guru sebagai tacit knowledge. Diperlukan reorientasi paradigmadengan memahami konsep belajar seorang profesional dan merevitalisasi pengembanganprofesionalisme guru ke arah pengembangan continuous authentic professional learning(CAPL). Diperlukan pula dukungan kebijakan dan apresiasi akademik kepada guru danmengurangi dominasi kontrol struktural-administratif. Lembaga penyelenggara (LPTK)memelukan penguatan kapasitas lembaga, menempatkan guru sebagai subyek belajar(center of learning), dan perbaikan program-program pendidikan guru pra jabatan dandalam jabatan dengan sistem perekrutan yang ketat sejak awal

    Meretas Sistem Pembelajaran Paradigma Baru

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    New educational paradigm is strongly needed for education reform inIndonesia. Educational system is influenced by the social system at macro,mezzo, and micro level as consequence education system must be respectiveand pro active to response the social system changes. The concepts ofworkplace, family, and society are change systematically. Industrial age isgoing to shif to information age society with different characteristic. Thereare two important aspects management and learning method. Educationmanagement should be more open to network for knowledge sharing. Thelearning methods should be change in order make the learner as the subjectof knowledge construction and be active participant in learning process. Theschool as education institution should develop partnership and networkwith others education institution

    Tinjauan Sosio Historis Strategi Pengembangan Kemampuan Menulis dalam Konteks Implementasi Kebijakan Penulisan Jurnal Pendidikan Tinggi

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    Surat Edaran Dikti 152/E/T/2012 telah disikapi pro dan kontra, seolah kebijakan Dikti merupakan tagihan pada sisi hilir namun melupakan fakta bahwa menulis bukan sekedar persoalan pada sisi hilir, namun merupakan persoalan hulu sampai dengan hilir yang melibatkan pengalaman, pendidikan dan latihan, dan motivasi sehingga memerlukan kajian secara komprehensif. Menulis merupakan proses mental yang dipengaruhi oleh faktor sosial historis yaitu pengalaman. Latihan, dan motivasi. Menulis bukanlah persoalan sederhana semudah membalikkan telapak tangan, namun menulis menyangkut persoalan kultural. Strategi pengembangan yang dilakukan seharusnya juga mencerminkan adanya aktualisasi ilmu pendidikan antara lain melalui; (1) pengembangan kemampuan menulis sejak dini secara tepat, (2) memberikan motivasi dengan menempatkan menulis sebagai pilihan karir prima, (3) pemerintah memberikan pelayanan primer terstandar seperti memberikan wadah terbitnya berbagai jurnal, (4) revitalisasi pengembangan minat baca, dan (5) menyediakan pendidikan dan latihan menulis yang memadai. Edaran Dikti 152/E/T/2012 harus dipandang sebagai langkah awal yang baik dan menjadi bagian koheren dari strategi pengembangan budaya menulis yang transformatif

    Democratic Learning in Elementary Schools

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    This study aimed to investigate democratic learning in elementary schools. It focused on: (1) students’ participation in learning, (2) rights and obligations in learning, (3) empowering students in learning, (4) the interaction between teachers and students, and (5) learning management. This was qualitative research, which employed a case study approach. The data were collected through observations and interviews with school principals, teachers, and students at elementary schools in Yogyakarta. The data were analyzed using the interaction model of Miles and Huberman. The results showed that most of the elementary schools in Yogyakarta have implemented democratic learning, including through different modes of student participation in learning, rights and obligations in learning, empowering students in learning, the interaction between teachers and students, and in learning management. Keywords: democratic learning, student, elementary schoo

    Desain Pembelajaran Kewirausahaan Berbasis Proyek (KWU-PBP) untuk Meningkatkan Kreativitas Wirausaha

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    Pujiriyanto. T811108012 A Model of a Project-Based Entrepreneurship Learning Design (KWU-PBP) to Improve Entrepreneurial Creativity. Dissertation. Graduate Program, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta. Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Samsi Haryanto, M.Pd. (Supervisor), Prof. Dr. Mulyoto, M.Pd. (Co-supervisor 1), Dra. Dewi Rochsantiningsih, M.Ed., Ph.D. (co-supervisor 2) The general objective of the study was to produce a model of a project-based entrepreneurship learning design (KWU-PBP) capable of improving creativity. The specific objectives were to: (1) describe the systematic steps in developing a model of a KWU-PBP learning design, (2) to determine the validity of the model of the KWU-PBP learning design, (3) to determine the performance of the model of the KWU-PBP learning design, and (4) to determine the effectiveness of the model of the KWU-PBP learning design. This research and development study consisted of 3 main steps as follows. (1) The introductory stage comprised exploration, needs analysis, and prototyping. The data were collected through focus group discussions (FGDs), interviews, questionnaires, and observations. The results were analyzed using the qualitative descriptive technique. 2) The development stage included: (a) expert validation followed by revision, (b) practitioner validation followed by revision, (c) readability assessment followed by revision, and (d) tryout. The data were collected through questionnaires, observations, and FGDs. They were analyzed by quantitative and qualitative techniques. (3) The tryout was conducted through a quasi-experiment using the matching pretest posttest control group design, followed by revision. The data were collected using creativity tests, performance assessments, questionnaires, interviews, and observations. The validity of the creativity test instrument was assessed in terms of the item validity and the construct validity and the test reliability was assessed by Cronbach’s Alpha. The data were analyzed by the quantitative descriptive technique and parametric statistics. The results of the study are as follows. (1) Creativity has become an orientation but it has not been followed by the instructional design evolution and it still has a theoretical nuance and marginalizes creativity. (2) The development procedure included: (a) the preliminary stage covering exploration, needs analysis, and prototype development; (b) the development stage comprising conceptual validation through expert assessment followed by revision, validation through limited practitioner assessment followed by revision, readability assessment followed by revision, and two stages of tryouts followed by revision; and (c) the testing stage with revision. (3) The design reflects the quality and is indicated by: (a) the assessment by the learning expert with a score of 3.68 (very good); (b) the assessment by the materials expert with a score of 3.85 (very good); (c) the assessment by 8 practitioners with a score of 3.65 (very good), and (d) the assessment of the module readability with a score of 3.25 (good) and that of the guidebook with a score of 3.09 (good). The design improved the gain scores of all the dimensions of creativity; the project assignments were well accomplished and resulted in good nurturing effects. (4) The design effectively improved more creativity dimensions than conventional learning designs in a state higher education institution and was significantly different in the creative process (P3) and creative product (P4) dimensions with p < 0.05 and the gain scores of all dimensions in the experimental group were higher. In the effectiveness test in a private higher education institution a significant creative score difference was found in the creative personal (P1), creative process (P3), creative product (P4) dimensions with p < 0.05 and the gain scores of all creativity dimensions in the experimental group were higher than those in the control group. Keywords: learning design, project based learning, entrepreneurship, creativit


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    Creativity is important for a developing country as catalyst for prosperity but the strategy for creativity development and measurement is an imperative problem for many universities in Indonesia. The research concerned here had the objective of testing the effectiveness of a model of entrepreneurship project-based learning (Entp-PBL) designed to improve creativity in the class of entrepreneurship using Rhodes’ holistic perspective on creativty (four P’s model). The research used the pretest-posttest control group design involving eighty-three randomly-selected university students forming and randomly distributed into the experimental and control groups. Inferential statistical analysis was used to observe the significance in the difference of the final mean score for creativity. The research results indicate that, on the whole, the Entp-PBL model improves creativity more effectively compared to a conventional model and it shows varying degrees of significance for the various creativity-forming dimensions. Pedagogic implications of the findings related to each dimension have been discussed and followed with recommendations for strategies in improving each creativity dimension. Keywords: creativity, entrepreneurship, project-based learnin